The use of voice in some music-hall songs, a short survey


I am studying the use of voice in music hall songs, and am asking people to help me. All I need is your impression of the use of voice in the following extracts from songs (most extracts are between 30 and 45 seconds long). Any impressions are fine : adjectives to describe the voice, the accent or the character being put over, comparisons to styles or genres of song, music, show or other uses of voice, or descriptions of what impression the voice gives (sounds drunk/stupid/aggressive/ironic/bourgeois/shy/ etc).

First extract

Second extract

Third extract

Fourth extract

Fifth extract

Sixth extract

Seventh Extract

Eighth  extract

Ninth Extract

Tenth Extract

Eleventh extract


You don’t need to identify the  singers or the songs : I know who they are, I just want impressions from « innocent » listeners.


Simply write a list with your impression or descriptions of some or all of the extracts


And send it to me by mail at


I will be eternally grateful !      John Mullen, Université Paris-Est.