Revision page Contestation sociale et politique en Angleterre 1819-1928

You will find on this page some extracts from classes concerning some of the most important movements. Note that
1) This is not the whole of the set of classes, just extracts.
2) You still need to read history books.
3) I will be adding a few more files to this page during the April holidays.
4) The final exam is different according to whether you are enrolled as régime général or as régime dérogatoire. The final exam for RG people will be based on events after 1842 (although of course you may refer to earlier events). The final exam for the RD people will be based on the whole period 1819-1928.

Extract 1 50 minutes on Ned Ludd.
Extract 2 21 minutes on Captain Swing
Extract 3 40 minutes on the first campaigns for parliamentary reforms.
Extract 4 19 minutes on the “Great Reform Act”
Extract 5 15 minutes on the roots of chartism
Extract 6 19 minutes on Chartism after 1842
Extract 7 28 minutes on Chartist leaders
Extract 8 Parliamentary reform after chartism
Extract 9 16 minutes on Socialism before 1901
Extract 10 11 minutes on William Morris and others
Extract 11 23 minutes on Robert Owen and others
Extract 12 18 minutes Introduction on early trade unionism
Extract 13 18 minutes on Trade Unions before 1815
Extract 14 32 minutes on Trade Unions after 1815
Extract 15 10 minutes on Trade Unions after 1834
Extract 16 35 minutes on Trade Unions after 1847
Extract 17 17 minutes Introduction on early struggles for women's rights
Extract 18 38 minutes on early women's movements
Extract 19 11 minutes on the right to vote
Extract 20 18 minutes on Trade unions after 1880
Extract 21 21 minutes on major strikes after 1888
Extract 22 22 minutes on Trade Unions after 1890
Extract 23 20 minutes introduction on 1919
Extract 24 21 minutes on 1919
Extract 25 28 minutes on 1926